Saturday, May 9, 2009

Puppy Love

Here's the reason why I haven't posted in the two weeks: a new lovey! He's now almost 10 weeks old and is as feisty as the day is long! He's spent the last two weeks chewing on me, chewing on the baby kitty (poor Phoebe) and chewing on his toys. He's the greatest little ball of fluff, even if he does have some of the sharpest teeth that are always aimed at your toes!
This is how the cats have been taking the newest addition. The big black one has been living in the basement- when she does come upstairs she spends her time as far from the puppy as she can get. The little one on the bottom has been trying to figure out how to play with the puppy without getting chewed on.
I just found this pot over the weekend- I love the colors and the basket weaving on it. I can't wait until the end of the month- I plan on showing at Allegan Antique Market. Now I need to sort through my stuff and figure out how I'm going to be able to move it all!