Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Decorating for the Holidays

I've been decorating for Christmas the past few weekends, thankfully I had the outdoor decor finished before the snow really started to fall! I went with an old-world look this year, with lots of cut greens from my pine trees, Osage Oranges and pine cones.

Osage oranges and their trees have a fascinating history; used by the Osage Indians for bows and other utensils, they were also used by pioneers to create hedges for the livestock (and if you've ever been around one of these trees and gotten swatted by a branch while picking the fruit, I think you'll agree that this is an effective means of livestock control). Check out this website for more information.

Personally, I adhere to the old wives tail that they keep spiders and other insects away, plus I love how they look for Christmas!

In other Decorating News I also salvaged some old white skates in a box of 'stuff' I got at auction and thought they would be perfect outside for the season.

Plus, they have the added bonus of being able to transition from Christmas decor to winter decor after the holidays. In Michigan, you always have to think ahead- after all, who wants to go outside in January to pack up all your decorations? Not me!

Take care, stay warm and check back for additional Christmas pictures!